Jax Youth Football League
By-Laws and Rules
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Issued Feb 01, 2005 with all current rules changes included.
Jax Youth Football League
By-Laws and Rules
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ARTICLE I - NAME_____________________________________________________4
ARTICLE II - PURPOSE________________________________________________4
ARTICLE III - EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBERS _____________________________4
ARTICLE IV - GOVERNING BODY_______________________________________4
ARTICLE VI - COMMITTEES____________________________________________6
ARTICLE VII - MEMBERSHIP___________________________________________7
ARTICLE VIII - MEETINGS______________________________________________9
ARTICLE IX - FINANCIAL POLICY______________________________________9
ARTICLE X - DISSOLUTION___________________________________________10
ARTICLE XI - ORGANIZATION RULES__________________________________10
ARTICLE XII - AMENDMENTS__________________________________________10
ARTICLE XIII - INTERPRETATION _______________________________________10
RULE I - TEAM RULES STATEMENT OF PURPOSE _________________________11
RULE II - PLAYER REQUIREMENTS _____________________________________11
RULE III - TEAM AND LEAGUE REQUIREMENTS __________________________12
RULE IV - SEASON AND GAME RULES__________________________________15
RULE V - COACHES, MANAGERS, AND OFFICIALS______________________17
RULE VII - PARENT RESPONSIBILITIES _________________________________20
RULE XI - SPECIFIC GAME RULES ______________________________________25
RULE XII - FLAG FOOTBALL__________________________________________25
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ARTICLE XIV - STATEMENT OF PURPOSE_____________________________ 26
ARTICLE XV - GOVERNING BODIES__________________________________ 26
ARTICLE XVII - COACHES AND FRANCHISES__________________________ 28
ARTICLE XVIII - COMPETITION ______________________________________ 29
ARTICLE XVIIII - SAFETY ____________________________________________ 29
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This organization shall be known as the Jax Youth Football League.
(A) The purpose of the League shall be to control, supervise, encourage and promote football games and related athletic
activities for youth.
(B) The purpose will be achieved by providing supervised football games and related activities. The supervisors shall bear
in mind that the attainment of exceptional athletic skill or the winning of games or contests is secondary, and to develop
unity, sportsmanship and enthusiasm along with maintaining safe and sound mental, physical and moral conditions at all
times is of prime importance.
(C) The Jax Youth Football League encourages all Franchises to participate in, and sponsor pre-season and post
season bowls that comply with the JYFL By-Laws, Rules, and Regulation.
Executive Board consists of the President, 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer and
Director of Football Operations.
(A) The Government of the League shall be vested in a Board of Directors, consisting of ONE Representative with the
privilege to vote, from every Franchise in the League. In the event of a vacancy in the League Officers, the Board of Directors,
at the next regular meeting, will select a successor to serve until the next regular election. Team Representatives for the Board
of Directors will be placed on the Board by the respective sponsoring bodies. Prior to the first meeting of each year, the
Franchise will submit in writing the name of their Representative and an Alternate for the Board of Directors.
(B) Officers will be elected by the Board of Directors.
(C) The Officers of the League shall have the power to conduct any ordinary business of the League between meetings of
the Board of Directors, which does not conflict with the Rules and Bylaws of the League.
(A) The Executive Board of the League shall have a President, 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President, Secretary,
Assistant Secretary, Treasurer and Director of Football Ops. In the absence of the President, the highest-ranking Officer present
shall preside.
(B) Election and Term of Office - The officers of the league shall be elected bi-yearly by the Board of Directors, at the
regularly scheduled December meeting. The terms for the six officers will be offset, with the President, Assistant Secretary,
and Second Vice President being elected in even numbered years and the First Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Director
of Football operations being elected in odd numbered years. Each officer shall hold office until their successor has been duly
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(C) Nominations - The President shall accept nominations at the November meeting of the regular membership.
Nominees shall only be incumbent Officers, Commissioners, League Directors, or past Officers and Alternates and Franchise's
Executive Board Members who have attended a minimum of SIX regular scheduled meetings of the current year.
(D) Elections - Nominations shall be made and balloting shall be done for each Office separately in order named in
Section (A) of this Article. The candidate for each Office receiving the highest number of votes cast by voting Members
present, shall be declared elected. If a tie remains, the following will take effect: the three highest ranking Executive Board
Members, of the present Board, excluding the Executive Board Member of the position being sought, shall cast a tie-breaking
(E) Vacancies - A vacancy in any Office, because of death, resignation, disqualification, or otherwise, may be filled by the
Board of Directors for the un-expired portion of the term.
(F) President - The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and shall, in general, supervise and
control all business and affairs of the League. The President shall establish a President's Advisory Committee, which will
provide support on fiscal planning and League structure.
(G) 1st Vice-President - In the absence of the President, or in the event of his/her inability or refusal to act, the 1st Vice-
President shall perform the duty of the President. The 1st Vice-President shall be responsible for actions of the following
standing Committees: Rules, Scheduling, and Awards.
(H) 2nd Vice-President - The 2nd Vice-President shall be responsible for actions of the following standing Committees:
Publicity, Weigh-In, and League Admissions, publicity, and review of league applications & waivers.
(I) Secretary - The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors; shall see that all notices
are given in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws, or as required by law; shall keep a register of the postal address of
each member; in general, perform all the duties incident to the office of Secretary as may, from time-to-time, be assigned to
him by the President of the Board of Directors. He/She is also responsible for publication and distribution of all materials
presented to him/her by Committees. He will also file, with the state, the necessary paper so as the J.Y.F.L. will be
incorporated. He/She is responsible for the mailing of all minutes and information matter of all meetings to Franchise
presidents, no later than two weeks following said meeting.
(J) Treasurer - The Treasurer shall have charge and custody of, and be responsible for, all funds and securities of the
League. He shall deposit all funds received in the name of the League in such banks and/or depositories and shall be
selected in accordance with the Bylaws. It is the Treasurer's responsibility to invoice and collect all League fees the
Treasurer must issue; at the Board of Directors meeting, a financial statement reflecting receipts, expenditures and
balance at the end of the previous calendar month; and at the annual meeting, a financial statement reflecting cash
flow from the previous annual meeting.
(K) Assistant Secretary – The Assistant Secretary shall be responsible for all game cards, weekly game scores to each
franchise, to check all game cards for proper number of referee’s and to let the Treasurer know that all franchises have
their game cards turned in on time. It is the Assistant Secretaries responsibility to manage the JYFL hot line
phone system. To purchase the orange stripes for the Varsity division. He/She shall also help the Secretary when
(L) Director of Football Operations – Shall monitor courtesy rule games and investigate all games won by more then the
established margins. Establish standards for disciplining violators of the courtesy rule. Monitor all game ejections of
players, coaches and parents. Report all ejections to the Executive Board with recommended disciplinary actions.
Investigate all allegations of franchise misconduct (players spitting on cheerleaders, coaches taunting parents or
players taunting their opponents.) Recommend to the Executive Board all disciplinary actions. Visit each franchise
game field to check for compliance to JYFL by-laws. Coordinate all website activities as directed by the Executive
(M) Past Presidents may have a voice at meetings and serve on Committees, but will not have a vote at meeting.
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(N) Commissioners - Commissioners shall be appointed by the President at the yearly February meeting and shall have
no voting privileges as Commissioners. The responsibility of the Commissioner is to relate all information regarding his/her
program to the Board of Directors at the regular monthly scheduled meetings.
(A) After election, the President shall appoint standing Committee Members, pending approval of the Board of Directors,
and said Committee shall be chaired by an executive board member. The President may appoint any other committee as the need arises with a commission appointed by the President to chair the committee. At anytime can the President be voted off as President unless He/She step’s down they self.
(B) Clarification of standing Committees:
1. Rules - Shall be responsible for review and revisions of all proposed rules and will make recommendations
of any changes to the Board of Directors.
2. Scheduling - Shall be responsible for recommending total number of games and playing dates, as well as
supplying updated maps to each franchise’s playing field, 1st VP is to obtain field maps from JYFL
league secretary.
3. Awards - Shall be responsible for recommending and procuring appropriate awards as provided by the Board
of Directors.
4. Publicity - Shall be responsible for all in-season publicity as required by the Jax Youth Football
5. Weigh-In - Shall be responsible for setting and implementing weight in rules and regulations and submitting
to board of directors for approval. Weigh-In committee is also responsible for obtaining all current franchise
boundary maps and setting up a committee to provide recommendations on how to handle all boundary
disputes to the Executive Board. Second Vice President is to obtain maps from the JYFL Secretary.
6. League Admissions - Shall be responsible for giving information of League to interested Organizations
regarding Jax Youth Football League Constitution and Bylaws. Also, getting information from and
about the interested Organizations as the reason they wish to join the Jax Youth Football League.
7. Championship Day - Shall be responsible for recommending a location, date and time for the games, and
responsible for organizing and staffing the game.
8. The committee of the Second Vice President shall be responsible to review participant’s applications and
waivers and present recommendations to the Executive Board for improvements to be made available to all
Franchises. Not mandatory for JYFL Franchises.
9. Referee Committee – Shall be responsible for recruitment, utilization and conduct of JYFL referees.
(A) A registration fee will be charged annually to each Franchise Member.
8. A penalty shall be assessed each Franchise failing to have a Representative present at League meetings. Penalties to be
First Meeting .00
Second Consecutive Meeting .00
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Third Consecutive Meeting .00
Fourth Consecutive Meeting Probation
Probation being loss of voting privilege for current year, and required to pay entrance fee the same as a new Franchise.
Failure to pay any or all fines will be subject to review by the Executive Board.
(C) All towns will abide by the Constitution and Bylaws in issuing fines. Any town not enforcing the Constitution and
Bylaws will be penalized, WITH NO EXCEPTIONS.
(D) Any team that fails to show up for a game shall be dropped from the League. Extenuating circumstances precluding
the appearance of a Team for a scheduled game will be taken under advisement by the Executive Board upon receipt of written
explanation with 72 hours of the date of scheduled infraction. In a case when a Team does not show up, the Team not showing
will pay referee fees.
(E) New Franchises cannot be accepted into the League if the new Franchise's boundaries conflict with a Franchise already
in the League; however, if the Franchised Team approves of the new Franchise to operate in their area, the Jax Youth
Football League after submission may accept the new Franchise. A new Franchise will be accepted into the Jax Youth
Football League after submissions by the Admissions Committee and passed by a 2/3 majority of the governing board at two
consecutive Board meetings.
(F) New Franchises shall not be admitted into the Jax Youth Football League unless approved by 2/3 majority of
the governing board, or if the new Franchises have an In-Town Program with corresponding Jax Youth Football
League weight classes that participates in a program outside their In-Town Program.
(G) Each new Franchise seeking a Franchise in the Jax Football League will be required to pay .00 in
addition to all regular League fees. A refund would be given after successfully completing its TWO-YEAR probationary
term and becoming a certified Jax Youth Football League Franchise.
(H) Each Franchise must submit to the JYFL Executive Board, a General Liability and Non-Owned-Automobile
Liability certificate of insurance no later than their current insurance policy's expiration date, or at the July JYFL meeting,
whichever comes first, holding the Jax Youth Football League, Inc. harmless, and naming the Jax Youth
Football League, Inc. as a primary and non- contributory additional named insured. The general liability policy will be on an
occurrence basis with an insurance company whose rating, according to BEST, will be A-X or better, and must have the
following minimum limits of liability:
General Aggregate: $1,000,000 CSL
Products & Completed Operations Aggregate: $1,000,000 CSL
Personal & Advertising Injury: $1,000,000 CSL
Each Occurrence: $1,000,000 CSL
Fire Damage (Any one fire): ,000
Medical Expense (any one person): ,000
Non-Owned Automobile Liability $1,000,000 CSL
All suits or incidents, that name or may name a Franchise or the JYFL must be submitted to the JYFL Executive Board
within 30 days of the occurrence or at the next regularly scheduled JYFL meeting, whichever comes first.
Failure to supply the JYFL with a proper certificate of insurance or report an occurrence within this time period, will result
in a suspension as a Franchise from the Jax Youth Football League, Inc., and subject to the Bylaws Article VII
section B "Probation being loss of voting privilege for current year, and required to pay entrance fee the same as a new
The Bill Jax Football League must also be required to purchase a Director and Officer's Professional Liability policy
at a $1,000,000 CSL limit of liability including prior acts coverage. This policy will be on a claim made basis unless an
Occurrence Policy is available and affordable.
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All insurance policies must be submitted to the JYFL Secretary and are subjected to review and approval of the JYFL
Executive Board and Board of Directors.
All Franchises are encouraged to purchase their own Director's and Officer's Professional Liability Insurance Policy, as well as
secondary accident insurance policy covering all of their participants.
The JYFL is required to purchase their own General Liability and Non-owned Auto at the same limits and Company
Rating, as required of all other Franchises.
(I) Each Franchise shall have on file with the League its Franchise Boundaries.
(J) Each Franchise will have on file with the Jax Youth Football League the name of the organization to whom
the franchise was granted and submit a copy of said organization’s charter and/or by-laws as applicable.
(K) Probationary Period - New Franchises will serve a TWO-YEAR probationary period, each year a majority vote of
acceptance will be required to maintain it's eligibility, upon receiving required votes of approval each of the two years, said
Franchise shall be acclaimed as a Certified Jax Youth Football Franchise. If said Franchise fails to attain the above
requirements during it's probation time; it shall be deleted from the Jax Youth Football League Organization and no
refund as stated in Section (G) of this Article will be made. The probationary vote will take place 12 months from the initial
admission date and 24 months from the initial admissions date but no later then the March meeting in the respective years.
(L) Admission Date - New Franchise shall not be accepted prior to the February meeting, with the understanding the new
Franchise must attend the monthly meetings, but have no vote until the regularly scheduled JYFL July meeting. No more
than two (4) new Franchises can be admitted to the JYFL in any one season by a majority vote of the Board of Directors at
two consecutive meetings. The Board of Directors may, only with unanimous vote, vote in favor of admitting more than two
(4) Franchises in said Season.
(M) Each Franchise will only register Players from within its own boundaries. Any Participate from outside a Franchise
boundary may only be registered with the written notification of the Franchise whose boundaries he/she resides. Failure to
comply will result in the affected (75, 85, etc.) being declared ineligible for post season play. Notification must be on the
JYFL Form (Attachment B to the Rules).
(N) Each Franchise is required to provide the JYFL league Secretary of the Executive Board, no later than the June
Regular Board Meeting, a list of their Head Coaches, for the upcoming season, including Name, Address, City, State, Zip,
Home and Work Telephone Numbers, as well as Jax Coaching Course Approval #.
(O) Franchise are required to submit a complete listing of all Assistant Coaches and Jax Coaching course approval numbers
to the JYFL league secretary at the regularly scheduled August Meeting. League Secretary must be made aware of any
change in Head Coaches and Assistants within 7 days of any change.
(A) Annual Meeting - An annual meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held during the month of December of each
year for the purpose of electing and installing Officers, and for the transaction of such business as may come before the Board
of Directors.
(B) Regular Meetings - A regular meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held on a specified day of each month, unless
otherwise directed by the Board of Directors.
(C) Special Meetings - Special meetings may be called either by the President, two other Officers, or upon written request
of four Representatives. Written notice of any special meeting, stating the place, day and hour, shall be sent to each
Representative at least 72 hours prior to the time of said meeting. The purpose for which said meeting is called shall be stated
in the written notice.
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(D) Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the proceedings of all meetings, except where the same conflict with the
Constitution and Bylaws of the League.
(E) A quorum will be considered as 2/3rd's of the Board of Directors.
(A) The Board of Directors shall decide all matters pertaining to the finances of the League and it shall be a permanent
policy to place all incomes in a League Treasury, directing the expenditure of the same in such a manner as will give no
individual or Franchise advantage over another.
(B) No purchase shall be made without approval of the Board of Directors.
(C) The Board of Directors may authorize any Officer or Officers, Agent or Agents of the League, in addition to the
Officers so authorized be these Bylaws, to enter any contract or execute and deliver any instrument in the name of and on
behalf of the League.
(D) All checks, drafts or other orders of payment of money shall be signed by two of the following Officers: President /
1st Vice-President / Treasurer.
(E) All funds of the League shall be deposited to the credit of the League in such banks or other depositories as the Board
of Directors may select.
(F) The Organizational-Year of the League for purposes of Organizational Functions, such as the terms of elected Officers,
shall begin on the First Day of January in each year and end on the thirty-first Day of December of that year. For Financial
purposes and the filling of all Regulatory Reports with the Federal, State and Local Agencies, the Fiscal Year shall be
coincidental with the Organizational-Year.
(G) All purchases in excess of five hundred dollars (.00) must be made after competitive bids are received and
reviewed by Franchise representatives, from at least two (2) different sources. All such bids are to remain on file for membership review for a minimum of two (2) years. Treasurer evaluates bids and reports on bids obtained.
(H) The Executive Board shall institute policy relative to the preparation and acceptance of an annual budget, and periodic
and annual Article presentation for financial reports. Annual budget to be prepared no later than April.
(A) In the event of dissolution of the League all monetary funds and physical equipment will be divided equally among
existing Certified Franchises.
(A) Current year rule change forms will be issued at the regularly scheduled January meeting. Rule changes can be read as
early as the Feb meeting but no later than the April meeting. Any franchise can submit a rule change between Feb and April
for the upcoming season except as outlined in Sec. B below.
(B) By-laws or Rule changes, additions, or deletions, effecting age, weight, and/or grade requirements must be adopted no later than the December meeting and presented to the Executive board 1 week prior to the November regularly scheduled
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(C) Any rule or by-law change, addition, or deletion must be read and approved by a majority of the board at 2
consecutive official JYFL sanctioned meetings.
(A) All JYFL Rules and Regulations, changes and additions, shall be adopted by the Board of Directors no later than
the MAY meeting of the current year and submitted to the Executive Board one (1) week prior to the March regularly
scheduled JYFL meeting, with the exception of Constitution, By-Laws, and Rules and Regulation changes and additions
affecting Age, Weight and Grade Participation requirements, which must be adapted no later than the December Meeting, and
presented to the Executive Board one (1) week prior to the November regularly scheduled JYFL meeting. There must be two
(2) readings and approval given by the Board of Directors at two (2) consecutive official JYFL scheduled meetings for any
change or addition to become in force in the JYFL Constitution By-Laws, Rules and Regulations.
(A) Interpretation of this Constitution and Bylaws, or any Rules or Amendments passed there under, shall rest with the
Executive Board.
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(A) General Purpose - To inspire youth, regardless of race, creed, or color; to practice the ideals of sportsmanship,
scholarship, and physical fitness; to bring area youths closer together through the means of common interest, sportsmanship,
fellowship, and athletic competition; to encourage adults to behave in a exemplary manner when supervising youth; and to
keep the welfare of the youth foremost and free from any adult compulsion for power and glory.
(B) Specific Purpose - To promote safety-first play by encouraging only programs with strict controls over ages and
weights, equipment, and behavior of adult coaches and spectators; to acquaint players with such fundamentals as blocking,
tackling, running, kicking, passing and of maintaining a sound physical, mental and moral condition.
(A) Ages and Weights - Regarding each current year:
70 lb. maximum at Official First Game Weigh-In/Not 8 before December 31
105 lb. maximum at Official First Game Weigh-In/Not 11 before December 31
130lb. maximum at Official First Game Weigh-In/Not 13before December 31
145 lb. maximum at Official First Game Weigh-In/Not 15 before December 31
170 lb. maximum at Official First Game Weigh-In/Not 16 before December 31
Unlimited lb. maximum at Official First Game Weigh-In/Not 18 before; December 31
Varsity level and as a striper only.
9. Striper Rule Definition
A striper player is anyone designated to play only offensive line (not including TE) or defensive line (not including
DE). At no time may a striper advance the football and if such a player ever gains possession of the football the play
will immediately be blown dead. Stripers are only allowed at the 200 pound levels.
10. 200 Varsity Designation
All players at the 200 Varsity level that weigh more than 170 pounds will be designated as a striper. In order
to advance the football at the 200 Varsity level, the player must weigh 170 pounds or less. Once a player is
designated a striper, that player will remain a striper for the remainder of the season. All striper players must
be defined no later than week 2 of the regular season and will be designated as such on the final team roster.
Weekly weight allowance for stripers follows the same guidelines as for non stripers.
(B) Physical Requirements - No player shall be registered as a Qualified Player if he/she has not attended and does not
maintain a sound physical condition. The maintenance of a sound physical condition shall be the responsibility of the
11. Parental Consent - Each player must have the written consent of his/her parent(s) or guardian on file with his/her
respective Team in order to participate in the Jax Youth Football League.
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(D) Falsification of League Records;
1. Player - If any Player presents any false information at a League Registration, that player will be
immediately suspended and barred from a future participation in the Jax Youth Football League.
2. Coach(s) - If any Coach(s) is found to have given any false information in order to register an ineligible
player, the offending Coach(s) shall be immediately suspended and barred from all future participation in the
5. In numbers 1,2,3 and 4 above, any game in which an ineligible Player participated shall be forfeited.
6. All changes to age, weight, and grade requirements must be submitted no later than the November meeting
and ratified no later then the December meeting.
(A) Approved forms of proof of birth date
1) Birth Certificate by State or Federal agency.
2) Baptismal Certificates signed by qualified members of the clergy indicating date of birth.
3) Other proofs of birth including but not limited to Passports and Alien cards or other recognized religious
certificates signed by a qualified legal religious official who is not related to the participant indicating date of birth.
All questionable proofs of birth must be submitted to the Weigh-in Committee and the Executive Board for their
review and approval.
(B) Each club will submit a team commitment by the regularly scheduled July meeting along with their check payable to
the Jax Youth Football League for an amount approved by the board of directors for each team submitted. If the club
does not field a team they have committed to, they will forfeit this fee. Any franchise adding to their team commitments after
the regularly scheduled July meeting but prior to the August meeting, will pay the league fee plus a penalty of .00 per
team. No team can be added after August 1 without the approval if the executive board and then only in the case where the
addition will aid in the scheduling process.
(C) Franchises are required to provide a check payable to the JYFL for 50% of the ref fees at the regularly scheduled
August meeting. The balance of the refs’ fees is due and payable to the JYFL no later than the regularly scheduled October
meeting. Referee fees will be announced at the July board meeting, by the League Secretary. A grace period of seven days
will be given each franchise, provided their check is received by the JYFL Treasurer and deposited in the designated JYFL
bank account. Any Franchise making a late payment for the ref fees will be assessed a penalty of .00 per team per month.
(D) Rosters - Any player registered by and entered on the Roster of any team in the Jax Youth Football League
shall not be permitted to participate in any League with any other Team of the League, except to advance to a higher Division.
Once a player participates in a game or dresses for a game in a higher Division, he/she is no longer eligible for play in a lower
Division, and must be removed from the Roster of the lower Division Team. Violation of this Rule will result in forfeiture of
the game in which the person played. This Rule will be invoked after official protest is lodged and accepted.
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(E) Franchise Commitment - By the Season of 1992, each Franchise shall be required to enter all Traveling Teams from
their programs outside the Jax Youth Football League that correspond with the Jax Youth Football League
Weights In-Town Programs may continue to be independent from the Jax Football League.
(F) League weigh-in
There will be no pre-season weigh-in effective with the 1998 season. Each franchise will be required to maintain and control
the content and accuracy of all team rosters submitted to the JYFL executive board. Correction of any problems or
movement of players between rosters (as allowed by JYFL rules) will be the responsibility of each franchise. Team rosters
and all birth certificates are due to the weigh-in committee no later than 8 days prior to the first league game for verification.
No roster movement after the 2nd week of the regular season. Players eligible to be moved after the first week of the season
are those who did not make weight for the first league game and as a result did not play. If a player made weight for the first
game they are not eligible to move to a different roster. The league will provide a temporary roster for week #1 to all teams.
The opposing head coach will mark Y or N for each player on the roster designating if they made weight or not, players who
are absent will be marked as N. Any changes to week 1 rosters (as allowed in these rules) will be made by the requesting
franchise. The updated roster along with the temporary week 1 roster shall be turned into the league for player movement
verification. After week 2, all rosters are final.
Final rosters will be made available to all teams after week 2.
Weigh-in forms and disc (utilizing a format determined by the weigh-in committee) must be completed in numerical order by
jersey number, player’s name, date of birth, and any other information as deemed necessary by the weigh-in committee. The
completed disc will be turned into the weigh-in committee with copies of all players birth certificates or approved proof of
birth at a date and time set by the weigh-in committee.
Players will wear all game equipment except helmet for all game day weigh-ins.
Player’s jersey number must be registered with the league. In correct game jersey usage must be reported to the executive
board and offending coach will be reviewed. If game jersey is ripped, damaged or lost, opposing head coach must be notified
at time of weigh-in and executive board must be notified with-in 24 hours.
(G) Pre-Game Weigh-In - Pre-Game Weigh-Ins are mandatory, the official electronic scale, supplied by the home team,
will be used to record maximum weight allowable for that game (Player's Weight, Equipment Weight, and Growth Factor, if
applicable). All equipment worn for the weigh-in (including gym shoes) must be worn in the game. Player’s will not be
allowed to change equipment after the weigh-in is completed, except for equipment that is broken or damaged. All
player's who do not meet the weight for that game will not be eligible to play in that game. We recommend that each team
arrive at least 30 minutes prior to the scheduled start of the game. The allowed equipment factor (NO helmets to be worn) will
be added as follows:
70lb. Division - 8 lbs. Equipment = 79 lbs. First week
105lb. Division - 9 lbs. Equipment = 115 lbs. First week
130lb. Division - 10 lbs. Equipment = 140 lbs. First week
145lb. Division - 11 lbs. Equipment = 156lbs. First week
170lb. Division - 12lbs. Equipment = 182 lbs. First week
(H) Growth Factor - The allowed Growth Factor for all players is a rate of one pound per week starting the first week (see
Attachment 1). A growth Factor of one pound per week will be allowed for the entire season. The total Growth Allowance is,
therefore, a maximum of eleven pounds over the period of the season up to and including all playoff games including
championship day.
(I) Game Scale - The home team's official electronic-type scale must be on hand for each game. The official electronictype
scale must be used for all pre-game weigh-ins, for each game being played. A balance type scale will be allowed if the
electronic scale is not functioning.
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Any player failing to make the weight has the right to be weighed in just shirt and shorts(No stripping down will be allowed).
The Home Team has the responsibility to provide an area for this purpose. Still failing to make weight said player is ineligible
for that game. He must then make weight less the equipment allowance
All players are eligible to weigh in prior to the start of the game. There is no time element involved.
If a player arrives after the Start of the Game, that player may not participate in the Game until he/she weighs in at half time.
Players must be weighed by both head coaches.
No player may weigh-in without full game equipment, except the helmet (Refer to Article VI, Section (A))
Exception: Cold weather clothing; after a player has officially made weight in the equipment described in Article VI, 1-11, the
player is allowed to add clothing as necessary to keep warm, provided the player does not eliminate or cover any of the
equipment required in Article VI, 1-11.
(J) Penalties For Over-Weight Players - Any Player found to be over the league weight limit is ineligible to play in that
(K) Participants born on 09/01 are eligible to play at the younger weight level if they qualify by weight .
(L) Participants are allowed to move from gold division to the silver division or from the silver division to the
gold division, or between weight levels prior to the submission of rosters at the annual league meeting. Roster
moves after this date and prior to the second game of the season, can only be made as follows:
A.) A gold rostered player may move up in weight class to either the higher gold or higher silver division
B.) A silver rostered player may move up in weight class to either the gold or silver division team or to a
gold team within his original weight class.
(A) Practice - Practice sessions/team meeting may start the Monday of the week starting August 1st, but not prior to July
26th. At all contact practice sessions, all players must wear full safety-first equipment, as required by Article VI. Any
team practicing before said date (above) will be suspended from competing in the Play-offs or Championship games.
(B) Regular schedules and season - The first Game will be scheduled to start Labor Day Weekend. The first eight weeks
will consist of League play and an additional three weeks will comprise Post Season Play-offs. All regular season
games shall be scheduled for Saturdays and Sundays exclusively. Re-scheduling games weather-related or situations
outside the control of the League will be reviewed by the Executive Board and scheduled as needed to complete
season play or Play-offs. All Franchises to be guaranteed one Weekend, not including the Cheerleading Competition
Weekend of the regular season, when all franchise teams shall be scheduled home, thus disregarding requests for
preferred scheduling dates. Night games may be played with the consent of both teams involved and with notification
of the league for their respective level, or if the league may require a night game to make up called or canceled games
so that the season will end as scheduled. The League will pay for lights only when the league schedules the night
(C) Game Rules: If during a game, a 25 point differential occurs, the following rules will be applied
1. Courtesy Rule : (All weight divisions) - If during a game a team scores and goes ahead by (25) points or
more, or scores and is still leading by 25 points or more , the losing team will get the ball in play on the
winning team's 35 yard line (20 yard line for the 70# and 105# weight divisions). After half time, if a team
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is behind (25) points or more the trailing team will begin play at the winning team’s 35 yard line (20
yard line for the 80# and 90# weight divisions), regardless of which team received the opening kickoff.
A.) At the 70 and 105 pound levels, the trailing team will begin play at the 20-yard line of the leading team;
at , 130, 145 and 170 pound levels; the trailing team will begin play at the 35-yard line of the
leading team.
B.) The leading Team offense will be prohibited from running pass plays of any kind. Pass play will be
considered a major penalty, with a loss of down.
C.) Both teams will be prohibited from blitzing of any kind. A blitz will be considered a major penalty
(ten yards) , with loss of down. No more than five players can be on the defensive line.
D.) Extra point conversions by the leading Team shall be of the one point variety only.
E.) Once the point differential reaches the courtesy rule margin of 25 points, the Referee shall advise each
team and begin a running clock, for the remainder of the Game.(even if the losing team gets under a 25
point differential) The clock will stop only for injuries, touchdowns, end-of-quarter and time-outs.
F.) If the Courtesy Rule is in effect at Half Time, there shall be a mandatory meeting between the two Head
Coaches and the Head Referee to discuss plans to avoid an increase in the differential.
A Coach who feels the Opposing Coach has intentionally run up the score can file a Complaint with the
Board. The Complaint will be examined by the Board and the Officials of the Game in question. If, in the
opinion of the Board, the Complaint is valid, the offending Franchise will be fined .00. On a second
Offense by the same Coach, a Fine of .00 and a one Game Suspension will occur.
2. Jersey Number by Position in NOT required.
3. Extra-Point by Run or Pass from the 2 Yard-Line for 70 & 105lb. and three (3) Yard-Line for all other weight
levels will score two (2) Points for forward pass or kick, Run.one point Kicking for a PAT
4. Coaches may "roam" between the 20 Yard-Lines at all levels providing that they are NOT coaching on the
Field of Play. At the 70lb Level, two Coaches are allowed on the Playing Field. . All Coaches on the Playing Field MUST refrain from Coaching
once the Offensive Huddle breaks.
5. Time Outs - Each Team at the 100, 110, 130 and Varsity level is permitted three Time Outs per half. at
Official Time Out, one Coach may go to the Team.
Each team at the 80 and 90 pound level will be allowed four time outs per half
6. Intermission - Between the 1st and 2nd and 3rd and 4th Quarters, Intermission will be for two minutes,
between Half's, 15 minutes. At these intermissions the Coach may call his Team to the Sidelines to talk to
7. Kick-Offs will be from the 40 Yard-Line for all weight divisions.
8. Two Game Officials for all Weight Classes. Two Officials shall be required to play a League Game. The
option to Play with one Official shall be recognized by the League, ONLY if both Coaches agree to Play
under this circumstance.
9. Penalties - All Weight Divisions as per I.H.S.A. Rules. At the 80 lb. and 90 lb. Weight Divisions: 5-Yard
Minor-Penalty, 10-Yard Major-Penalty.
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10. Mandatory Play: All players rostered in the Silver Division shall play a minimum of 6 plays in each official
league sanctioned game, subject to Franchise or team disciplinary and safety rules. The JYFL encourages
all franchises to incorporate in their Franchise By-Laws a Gold Division mandatory play rule at all levels to
ensure that all rostered players participate in each official league game.
(A) Coaches - Each Team shall appoint one Head Coach and Assistant Coaches. A Football Coach should be sure his
behavior at all times, sets a good example for the players in his charge. He should always remember to:
1. Not criticize Players in front of Spectators; but reserve Constructive Criticism for private.
2. Accept decisions of Officials on the Field as being "fair" and "called" to the best ability of the Officials.
3. The coaches will identify themselves to the referees before the game, print their own name on the game card,
print the referees name on the game card, and give the referees the game card showing the rule differences that
apply to the weight level for that game, and be responsible to have each of the attending referees sign said
game card next to their printed name. All game cards must be postmarked to the to the JYFL Treasurer
within 72 hours of the last regular scheduled weekly Sunday game. Failure to do so will result in a ten
dollar fine for missing or late game card. Game comments, protests, or complaints should be printed on the
reverse side of the game card and signed. To expedite a response to your comments, complaints, and/or
ejection’s need to be called into the Bill George hot line answering system. The number of the hot line is to
be distributed to all head coaches at the annual coaches meeting. All protests should be signed by the
opposing coach as evidence of notification.
4. Not criticize the Opposing Team, their Coaches, or Fans by word-of-mouth or gesture.
5. NOT permit (sweating-down) tactics so that a Player will make the Weight.
6. A Referee that is affiliated as a Coach with a Franchise in the Jax Youth Football League has been
declared ineligible to Officiate any Game in which a Team from that Franchise is playing, unless approved
by the Directors of the Jax Youth Football League.
7. NOT permit a Player to re-enter any Game after he/she is badly bruised or hurt.
8. -----------------------------------------------
9. ANY misconduct of a Coach that is obscene, obstreperous or otherwise detrimental to the welfare of the
Players, League, Officials or the Spectators shall be subject to Disciplinary Action of the Executive Board of
the League.
10. All Head Coaches must be at least 21 years of age, and all assistant coaches must be at least
18 years of age
11. All Head coaches and non first year assistant coaches must be certified by Jax Coaching Course
accreditation before he/she is allowed to coach in a BGYFL sanctioned game. The JYFL encourages all
first year coaches to be certified in a similar manner.
12. Coaches are prohibited from holding more than one practice session in one day.
13. Any Head Coach, Assistant Coach, Player, Cheerleader, Cheerleaders Director or ant other Franchise member
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ejected from a JYFL sanctioned event, or any suspension of a JYFL event, shall be reported to the
JYFL Executive Board within 24 hours of the ejection or suspension. All ejections will be subject to
review and disciplinary action by the JYFL Executive Board or committee designated by the JYFL
Executive Board. All individuals ejected must make themselves available to meet with the JYFL
Executive Board or committee prior to participating in any other JYFL future event. The JYFL or
committee must be available to meet with the individual prior to the next scheduled JYFL event . The
Franchise Representative is the person responsible to notify Secretary of the Executive Board within this 24-
hour time period.
Ejections and suspensions must be reported on the game card by both Head Coaches and to their JYFL
Rep The coaches need to report the persons name and if a player a jersey number is needed. The Franchise
Rep must report the incident to the JYFL hotline and call the Director of Football Operations with in 24
14. All Franchises must submit no later than the July JYFL regularly scheduled meeting, a copy of their
participants applications and waiver forms which is to be signed by the Parent or Legal Guardian. These
waivers are subject to review of the JYFL Executive Board or designated committee. Waivers and
applications must be submitted to the 2nd Vice President who shall set up a committee to review them, and
present their suggestions for approval of the Executive Board.
15. It will be the responsibility of each Franchise, to appoint a Franchise athletic director whose responsibility
will be to keep on file in the Franchise minutes, any participant injury resulting in a doctor, hospital,
chiropractor, or other medical professional consultation, examination, surgery, etc.
The Athletic Director and the Franchise will be responsible to guarantee that individual not be allowed to
participate in any practice, rehearsal, or JYFL event without written permission from the physician or
other approved medical professional.
It is the responsibility of the parent and/or legal guardian to notify the Head Coach of any such injury, and it
is the responsibility of the Head Coach to notify the Franchise's Athletic Director. All such incident reports
and permission notes or waivers must be available for review by the JYFL Executive Board or their
designated committee.
(B) The Head Coach and one Assistant from each Weight Class, Jax Youth Football League Representatives,
Directors and Commissioners shall attend an Annual Mandatory Pre-Season Clinic sponsored by the Jax
Youth Football League and supervised by the Executive Board, which will emphasize the Jax Youth Football
League Philosophy, Purpose, Constitution and By-Laws, and Rules and Regulations. All Participants will be
recognized and registered with the Jax Youth Football League Coaches, Representatives, Directors or
Commissioners. Upon attending THREE years of Jax Youth Football League Clinics, the Participant shall
be recognized as a Permanent Registered Member. This shall be a Franchise responsibility.
(C) The JYFL encourages each franchise to require their Head Coaches to have at least two meeting with the parents of
the participants on his team to discuss game decorum, league rules, and how and when to voice their questions.
(D) In addition to the JYFL Annual Mandatory Pre-Season Clinic held in August, each Head Coach is required to
attend periodic Head Coach’s Clinics at their weight level, as called and chaired by an approved JYFL Head Coach
at their weight level. A head Coach will be required to attend at least one (1) Head Coach’s Clinics in any one
calendar year (1/1 to 12/31).
(1) The JYFL must provide each Franchise with one Head Coach’s handbook for each team committed to by the
regularly scheduled June Meeting, JYFL must disburse these handbooks at the August Annual Mandatory JYFL
Clinic. The handbooks to contain Game Rules applying to their level, methods to improve player participation,
parent and referee communication, and suggestions for basic offenses and defenses successful at each level.
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(A) Equipment - All Teams must be fully equipped with a complete line of "High-Quality, Safety-First" Equipment for
every Player taking part in any Practice, Scrimmage or Game. The following items are mandatory in all Divisions.
1. Helmet - Construction should be either 1 or 2 piece, "high quality fiber" of plastic - type material, nose
2. Shoulder Pads - Shoulder Pads should be corrugated, molded fiber or plastic material and for sanitary
reasons, should be padded with a coated, washable finish. Adjustable underarm straps should be of a
cantilever type.
3. Hip or Girdle Pads - Hip or Kidney Pads should be of corrugated fiber of plastic material covered on the
inside with shock-absorbing material.
4. Thigh Pads - Thigh Pads should be constructed of durable, shock absorbing material.
5. Jerseys - Home Team shall be first option of Jersey Color. Visiting Teams with traveling Jerseys shall revert
to their Home Color Jersey if colors are contrasting. 6. Jerseys - Home Team shall be first option of Jersey
Color. Visiting Teams with traveling Jerseys shall revert to their Home Color Jersey if colors are
contrasting. All Franchises shall provide team jersey color to the JYFL by the December meeting for the
upcoming season. Any changes in franchise team jersey colors must be approved by the JYFL Executive
6. Pants - Pants may be made of either shell or one-piece construction, natural or colored. Color Jerseys and
Pants will be coordinated by the League.
7. Mouth Guard - Each Player must be fitted with a durable Teeth and Mouth Protector and is required to wear
it during Practice and Game sessions.
8. Athletic Supporter - Each Boy must wear a good quality Athletic Supporter and Cup during all Practices and
Game sessions.
9. Shoes - Detachable cleats, with non-metal cleat tips; all molded, rubber-cleated shoes or gym shoes are
10. Rib Protectors - All Players are to be equipped with Rib Protector Pads.
(B) Footballs:
1. The Ball used in 80 Lb. division may be any fully inflated leather or rubber K2 type ball. The Ball used in
the 90 and 100 Lb. Divisions may be any fully inflated leather or rubber Junior-size Ball (same as Wilson
2. The Ball used in the 115, 130 and 200 Lb. Divisions may be any fully inflated leather or rubber size Ball
(such as Spalding J5Y or Wilson TDY).
3. The Home Team must supply a Game Ball, however the Visiting Team may use their own Ball as long as it
fulfills the above descriptions. If the Visiting Team uses its own Ball, they must supply a Ball Person.
(C) Fields:
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1. The Standard IHSA 100-yard Field must be used for all weight levels
2. In case the Home Team cannot obtain a Playing Field and the Visiting Team has a field available; the Game
shall be played at the Visiting Team Field or the Home Team will forfeit.
(D) Field Equipment and Home Team Responsibilities - Each Home Team shall be required to furnish Down Markers,
First-Down Chain, plus Chain Gang. The Home Team has the right to decide which Side of the Field the Chains will
be kept on and must supply the following:
1. Lined Field, including Sidelines, End Zone Lines and Yard Lines every ten yards either painted, chalked or
2. Benches for both Teams.
3. All fields will have restraining ropes, minimum of five yards from Field Boundaries. The Boundary Ropes
will run continually around the entire Field. Only Players, Coaches, Managers and Officials will be allowed
inside these confines.
4. The Stanchion should be constructed as to not present a hazard to a Player who might run or be knocked into
them. They may NOT be of wood or heavy gauge metal construction. They will be of metal or plastic,
sturdy enough to hold the rope, but light enough to bend if contacted.
5. Where Shelter Facilities are available to a Home Team, the same Facilities must be available to the Visiting
Team. If not, neither Team shall use the Shelter. Failure to provide equal facilities will result in forfeit of the
game by the Home team. This will be determined by the Head Official prior to the start of the second half,
only if the Visiting Head Coach files a complaint.
6. Failure to supply and field equipment, pre-game, game procedure listed throughout Article IV will result in a
Fine, payable to the JYFL, subject to review by the Executive Board.
7. All Playing Fields are to provide public restrooms for both men and women.
8. All Franchises shall have goal posts on both ends of their 100-yard playing field.
9. ALL PERSONS participating and/or attending ANY JYFL Youth Activity are prohibited from consuming
alcohol and/or illegal drugs while on the premises of the game or practice fields, including the parking lots,
during any JYFL activity. Any infraction of this rule will result in alleged franchise being accessed
.00 fine for the first offense; 2nd offense results in a .00 fine, probation and loss of franchise
voting privileges for 1 year; 3rd offense results in dismissal from the Jax Youth Football League.
10. All franchise fields shall have protective padding on all goal posts. The goal posts shall be padded with
resilient, shock absorbing material to a height of at least 6 feet above the ground.
11. All Franchise fields must be equipped with a phone at the field dedicated to emergency situations for the
purpose of calling paramedics, doctors, hospitals, etc.
12. All franchises must be equipped with a PA system or Megaphone with 200-yard range and qualified
announcer for each JYFL sanctioned game weather permitting. We encourage that the use of the PA
system and the announcer be used to read the JYFL purpose before every game and promote responsible
fan participation.
13. Each Franchise will supply a updated map to the JYFL Secretary no later then the July meeting of each
year. The map must include
A) Directions to the Franchise Game Field
B) Directions and phone numbers to the nearest hospital or medical facility serving that area.
C) Paramedic and Fire Department Phone Numbers.
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D) Name and phone number of a franchise representative.
These maps will be distributed at the mandatory JYFL coaches clinic.
14. Each Franchise will designate an Athletic Director who can meet with the coaches and referees prior to game
time to discuss:
A) What emergency plans are in place?
B) If there are paramedics available and who and where they are.
C) Where the nearest phone is.
15. Each franchise must have on display the JYFL issued banner promoting the purpose of the JYFL.
(A) The support of Parents, both Mothers and Fathers, is essential to the success of any Youth Program; but this support
should be in such activities as Fund Raising, Promotion, Equipment Maintenance, Team Sponsorship and other Volunteer
Activities as well as loyal, but fair, Fan Support in the Stands on the Day of the Game.
(B) Parents must clearly understand the aim of the Football Program, which is to teach their youngsters Good
Sportsmanship, Fair Play and a Love for the wonderful Game of Football.
(C) Parents must NEVER interfere with operation of the Team just because their son happens to be a Member of that
Team. They will be better Supporters of the Team if they understand just what the Coaches are trying to do.
(D) One of the best ways to inform them is to hold a Team, Pre-Season Meeting at which the objectives of the Program
can be described, the mechanics of the operation, the various jobs that need to be done and people who will be needed to do
(E) JAX Youth Football League (INC.) Rules state that the Coach should attempt to have every Player who is
physically fit see Action in every Game. The Coach is the best judge of the Player's ability and capability, and the Parent
should not question his use of Personnel, Plays, Strategy or Methods.
(F) Any misconduct by Parents of a Player playing could result in the Player being dropped from the Team (after careful
review by the Executive Board).
(A) Regular Season Games that end in ties will go to "Bill George League Tie-Breakers" for one try, if still tied, it stands
1/2 Win and 1/2 Loss.
(B) Each Team is given a series of four Downs from the Ten-yard Line, once each.
(C) In case of a tie at the end of Regulation Play of any Play - off Game the "JAX League Tie Breaker" will go
into effect.
1. Each Team is given a series of four Downs from the Opponent's Ten-yard Line.
2. In the event that the Tie is not broken, subsequent series of Downs will be given to each Team until the Tie
is broken. Games will NOT be decided by penetration.
3. One time-out is to be awarded per Team to be used on Defense or Offense. Any unused time-outs from the
Second-Half are carried over into the Tiebreaker.
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4. In the event that a Team scores a Touchdown in an Overtime Period, the Extra-Point-Play must be
attempted, unless the Game has been decided by virtue of the Touchdown.
5. Any Team involved in consecutive play-off or tiebreaker, shall be allowed a 10 minute intermission.
(A) Gold and Silver Division Alignment
1. Gold Division
The Gold Division shall be composed of all franchise teams at the respective 70lb., 105lb., 130lb. 145lb, and
170lb weight levels who do not qualify to participate in the Silver Division, or, who do qualify, but elect
not to participate in the Silver Division. The Gold Division shall also be composed of those teams which
are required to be in the Gold Division by virtue of the "Franchises with one or more teams at one weight
level rule described below.
2. Franchises With One or More Teams at One Weight Division
Franchises with one or more teams at the 80lb, 90lb, 100lb, 115lb., or 130lb weight levels must designate
and field at least one team in the Gold Division. Franchises with three teams must field at least one team in
the Gold Division and up to two teams in the Silver Division. Franchises with four teams must field at
least two teams in the Gold Division and up to two in the Silver Division, with a cap of two gold teams for
franchises fielding five or more teams. Each Franchise has the right to petition the Silver Review
This rule shall supercede subsequent Rule IX (A) 3.
3. Silver Division
The Silver Division will be composed of no less than 5 teams at a weight level. Silver Division teams
shall be composed generally as follows:
A.) Players new to organized youth tackle football.
B.) Players from Franchises meeting Gold Division team participation requirements.
C.) Players who played in the Gold Division the previous year; and
D.) Players who played in the Gold Division on teams with losing records (excluding byes) and
also had 3 or more Courtesy Losses.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, no Silver team shall have more than 5 players, in the aggregate, from
winning (Excluding byes) Gold Division teams, or any Gold or Silver Division team having three or
more courtesy rule wins in the previous season (unless such team’s franchise has met its Gold
team requirements).
Further, any franchise having only one team at a weight level and petitioning to become a Silver team
must demonstrate that, in addition to meeting the foregoing requirements, most of the Silver division
teams projected to be at its weight level will be competitive with the petitioning team.
4. Deadline for Franchise Designation of Silver Division Team(s)
All franchises must designate the teams which shall participate in the Silver Division by a date specified by
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the JYFL governing board, to facilitate schedule preparation but not later than July 3rd. Any franchise
failing to indicate to the appropriate JYFL scheduling official that a team from the franchise desires to
compete in the Silver Division by the assigned deadline, will be scheduled into the Gold Division season
unless otherwise indicated by the Silver Division Review Committee.
5. Gold/Silver Division Playoff and Championship
Play-Offs for ten Teams or more in a Weight Class: A Weight Class containing ten or more teams will be
contained in one division. The top EIGHT finishers shall qualify for post-season play. Seeding will be by
records. Ties in standings will be determined by criteria outlined in Article IX, Section A Item 8a. (listed
First Round - #1 Home VS. #8. #2 Home VS. #7. #3 Home VS. #6. #4 Home VS. #5.
Second Round - Winner of #1 and #8 to play Winner of #4 and #5. Winner of #2 and #7 to play Winner of
#3 and #6.
Winners of Round Two advance to the Championship Game.
Play-Offs for nine or less Teams in a Weight Class - A Weight Class containing nine or less teams will BE
ONE Division. The top SIX finishers will qualify for Post-Season Play. Home Team will be the higherseeded
Team (#1 High and #6 Low).
First Round - #1 Bye. #2 Bye. #3 Home VS. #6. #4 Home VS. #5.
Second Round - Winner of #3 and #6 to play seed #2. Winner of #4 and #5 to play #1.
Winners of Round Two advances to the Championship Game.
6. Addition of Silver Division Teams
(a) Arrangements for Championship Awards for the Silver Division shall be handled as deemed appropriate
by the JYFL Executive Board.
(b) All teams applying for assignment to the Silver Division and teams so assigned are subject to review by
the Silver Division Review Committee.
7. JYFL Executive Board Authority to Change Silver Division Teams
(a) The Executive Board of the JYFL shall have the ability to take whatever action it deems
necessary to carry out the goal of having teams composed of new or less skilled players compete in one
division which has greater competitive parity than would be the case if those teams were not segregated into
a separate division.
8. Division Tie in Standings
(A) Ties in Standings - In case of a Tie in the Standings at the end of the Regular Season Play, the Standing
will be determined as follows:
First Criteria : Head to head competition. Only applies if all teams tied have played each other one time.
Second Criteria : Best win loss percentage against common opponents. All teams tied must have played at
least one common opponent.
Third Criteria : Strength of Schedule - Teams will be awarded points equal to number of wins of teams they
have beaten or tied plus 1.
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Fourth Criteria : A JYFL executive board supervised coin toss
(B) In the case of a tie for a final play-off spots, the following criteria shall be used :
First criteria: Head to head – only to be used when all teams that are tied have played each team at least
Second Criteria: Best win loss percentage against common opponents – only applies if all tied teams have
played at least one of the same opponents.
Third criteria: Kansas City Shoot-Out with one first down from the 20 yard line.
When more than two teams are tied the following criteria shall be used for the Shoot-Out
Three teams tied: A JYFL supervised blind draw – the first two teams drawn will play with the winner
facing the third team picked
Four teams tied: A JYFL supervised blind draw - with the first two teams playing each other and the
remaining two teams playing each other. The winners of these games will play each other.
Five Teams: A JYFL supervised blind draw – First two teams play, second two teams play, fifth team
receives first round bye. First round bye team plays the winner of game one. The winner of this game will
play the winner of game two.
(B) Single Elimination Tournament - Championship Day - Will be a two-day affair. The Gold Division Championship
will be played one day and silver the other, days to be determined by the Championship Day Committee. Games
will be played on a high school field or other appropriate field as designated by the Championship Day Committee.
The team having the best record will be the home team and have their choice of sidelines.
(A) Rosters - Roster size for all Weight Divisions will be limited to 32 Players. A squad of 33 Players or more will
require two Teams, with both Teams participating in the JAX Youth Football League.
(B) Protests:
1. Protests must be made to Official and Opposing Coach at the time of the alleged Rule(s) infraction. Any
Game Protest must be submitted (in writing) with a .00 deposit to the League President within 72 hours
of the alleged Rule Violation. The Written Notice must state the particular Rule(s) violation. Protest on the
matter "involving JUDGMENT" calls will NOT be allowed.
2. A Protest and Grievance Committee will be appointed by the President each Year when needed. It will
consist of TWO Members from each Division, Chaired by the 1st Vice-President (if his Franchise is NOT
involved in the Protest or Grievance). If the 1st Vice-President's Franchise is involved, the 2nd Vice-
President will chair or the Secretary or the Treasurer or the President: in that order. The Chairman will vote
only to break the Tie. Any Member from either of the grieving Franchises will not serve. The Decision of
the Protest Committee shall be FINAL. The .00 Protest Fee will be refunded to the protesting Franchise
if the Protest is upheld; however, NO UPHELD PROTEST WILL CHANGE THE OUTCOME OF THE
GAME except as noted in article III, Section C of the rules.
(C) Arbitration - There will be NO Arbitration of Players from adopted Age or Weight Categories, except for physically
or mentally handicapped children. A Doctor's Certificate or School Record would have to be presented to the League,
stating the "condition" of the Child and that Child could participate in a contact sport.
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All League Games are played under the Rules and Regulations of the IHSA, except for the difference and limitations note in
the JAX Youth Football League Rules and Regulations.
(A) Time of Quarters - All weight Classes to use a ten-minute Stopped Clock.
(B) 80lb. and 90lb. Weight Divisions will use a free punt. The punting Team must declare the Kick. Both Teams must
hold a minimum of seven men of the Line of Scrimmage until the Ball has been kicked. The Snap must be between the center
of the legs, directly to the Kicker. The Kicker must kick the Ball within a normal three to four seconds. If the Ball goes over
the Kicker's head, he/she must kick from the point the Ball is picked up, immediately, and he/she may not advance the Ball
by running. If the Kicker advances the Ball, the Official will whistle the Play dead and direct the Kicker to the spot he/she
picked the Ball up, and kick from that spot, with NO penalty to the Kicking Team. After the Ball is kicked, Play continues as
a Regular Play.
The JAX Youth Football League recognizes the Community Flag Football Program as a separate entity, which
provides an introduction to the JAX Youth Football Tackling program.
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Article XIV - Statement of Purpose
(A.) General Purpose - To encourage Youth athletic activities, promote sportsmanship and fitness. To maintain a sound
mental, physical and moral condition.
(B.) Specific Purpose - To provide an opportunity to Cheer and Dance in a safe manner, develop qualities of sportsmanship,
teamwork, self-confidence, poise and enthusiasm.
Article XV - Governing Bodies
(A.) The JYFL Cheer Commissioner will be appointed by the President of the JYFL Executive Board with a one year
(B.) Assistant Cheerleading Director - The JYFL Cheer Commissioner, with approval of the JYFL President, shall
appoint an Assistant Cheer Director.
1. The Assistant Cheer Director shall aid the JYFL Cheer Commissioner in all capacities as requested by the
JYFL Cheer Commissioner.
2. The Assistant Cheer Director shall take over for the Cheer Commissioner in the event of absence, illness or
inability to continue to act as the JYFL Cheer Commissioner or in the event of a vacancy of the position.
(C.) Necessary Committees will be formed at the January meeting. The JYFL Cheer Commissioner will appoint these
(D.) All Cheerleading/Poms shall be governed by rules and regulations set herein and not subject to rules which govern
football players.
(E.) The JYFL Cheer Directors shall have the authority to make final decisions regarding any rule clarification or infraction
with the approval of the Executive Board.
(F.) By-law changes must be submitted to the By-Law Committee prior to the February meeting. The first by-law vote is in
February. The second by-law vote is taken at the March meeting.
(G.) Any amendments to the by-laws must be voted on and passed by a three-quarters majority after the March meeting.
(H.) The JYFL Cheer Commissioner will vote in the event of a tie.
(I.) Cheerleading budget must be approved by the Commissioners.
(J.) Copies of the monthly JYFL financial report will be made available for each Director.
(K.) Minutes must be taken at every Cheer Director's meeting. Copies of these will be available at the next month's meeting
to be read and approve. Any absent Director will be mailed minutes.
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Article XVI - Franchise and Participant Requirements
(A.) Sanctioning - Sanctioning in the Bill George League Cheerleading and Poms is mandatory. Any town that does not
sanction their cheerleaders will not be able to have cheerleaders on the playing field for any game.
(B.) Parental Consent - Each participant MUST have a written consent of Parent and/or Guardian on file with the respective
franchise and authorize JYFL to use publicity pictures of their child to participate in the JAX Youth Football
(C.) Insurance - Each participant MUST be insured through their respective franchise.
(D.) Ages - Participants shall be placed on Teams by age (as of September 1 st), providing franchises field teams as follows:
Flag Team 6, 7 and 8 year olds 1 st, 2nd and 3rd Grade
70 lb. Team 5 and 7 year olds 3 rd and 4th Grade
105 lb. Team 8 and 10 year olds 4 th and 5th Grade
130 lb. Team 10 and 12 year olds 5 th and 7th Grade
145 lb. Team 11 and 14year olds 6 th and 8th Grade
170 lb. Team 14 and 15 year olds 7 th and 9th Grade
Varsity Team 16 and 17 year olds 10 th and 12th Grade
Exceptions to the above age requirements may be brought to the Board for approval.
If corresponding teams are not fielded by the Franchise, the Franchise may then move a participant up or
down to the next available team level.
(E.) Roster - Participants on a squad, including all coaching staff and parents, must be submitted to the JYFL Cheer
Commissioner no later than August 15 th of each year. This must include birth dates and copies of birth certificates. This
is your competition roster. The age average from this roster will be used for competition.
• The Age Average Committee will review rosters with the attached birth certificates and have rosters
ready the week after September 15 th.
• Certification of Coaches - All Cheerleading Directors, Adult Supervisors and all Coaches over 18 years
old must be certified.
• Cheerleader/Pom Coaches - Must be a minimum of 13 years of age.
• In the event of a girl dropping from the program, it is the responsibility of the town's Cheer Director to
inform the Age Average Committee of that change. Age averaging will not be recalculated.
• Squads must be a minimum of 10 girls with a maximum of 22 girls.
• Girls in 2nd grade and under are in Flag.
(F.) Misconduct - Any misconduct of a parent(s) of a cheerleader could result in that cheerleader being dropped from the squad
after careful review by the Executive Board.
(G.) Practices - Practice sessions may start July 1 st of each year and may not exceed December 1st of said year. Any squad
practicing other than between July 1st and December 1st, will not be eligible for the JAX Youth Football League
Annual Competition.
(H.) Fees - A charge of .00 per participant on each squad submitted on the rosters will equal the Franchise's Fee, and allow
participants access to and participation in all JYFL sponsored events. The fee is due and payable at the August
(I.) Meetings - All sanctioned Cheer Directors and/or representatives are required to attend a MINIMUM of four monthly
meetings. Franchises' that are not represented at a meeting shall not be able to discuss or vote on decisions made at the
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meeting the Franchise was not represented. Any information not received as a result of non-representation will be that
Franchise's responsibility to obtain provided the minutes of the meeting are sent to the current Cheer Director on file.
(J.) Mascots - Mascots are up to the discretion of each Franchise and must be a minimum of 4 years old. A child may not be
a mascot if the child is of the age to participate as a cheerleader on any squad fielded by that Franchise unless approved
by the JYFL Cheer Commissioner. Mascots may not take the place of a rostered cheerleader or participate in stunts.
Any mascot not in the age range of the team they are representing is not allowed to participate with the cheer squad
within the confines of the playing field, that is, inside the ropes, except for pre game, post game, and/or half-time squad
(K.) Competition - All squads are limited to participating in only one competition other than the JYFL Annual
(L.) Games - All JYFL rostered cheerleaders are expected to cheer at all games, including pre and post season.
(M.) Cheer Schedule - All towns that do not have enough cheer squads to support all their football teams, should submit a
separate, tentative cheer schedule at the September meeting.
Article XVII - Coaches and Franchises
(A.) Certification of Coaches - All Cheerleading Directors and Coaching Staff 18 years and older MUST be certified.
(B.) Minimum Age - Cheerleading/Pom Coaches must be a minimum of 13 years of age.
(C.) Supervision - Adult Supervisors must be present during participation.
(D.) Franchise Responsibilities - Where shelter facilities are available to the Home Team, facilities MUST be of equal
protection and made available to the Visiting Teams; if not, neither Team shall use a shelter.
(E.) Drugs/Alcohol - ALL PERSONS participating and/or attending ANY JYFL Youth Activity are prohibited from
consuming alcohol and/or illegal drugs while on the premises of a game or practice fields and competition facilities,
including the parking lots, during any JYFL activity. Any infraction of this rule will result in the alleged Franchise
being assessed a .00 fine for the first offense; second offense results in .00 fine, probation and loss of voting
privileges for 1 year. Third offense results in dismissal from the JYFL League.
(F.) Half-Time Etiquette - The Visiting Team shall perform for the Home Team and return to the sidelines to watch the Home
Team perform. This will be followed by both squads performing to their own fans. Half-time is 15 minutes. Half-time
routines will have a maximum 3 minute limit, with the exception of homecoming which is a maximum of 5 minutes.
Music will not be allowed to performed by the Visiting Team.
(G.) Championship Game - Girls on squads performing at the Championship games will receive a complimentary program
and cheer memento.
(H.) Opposing Side - If there is not an opposing squad, you are not required to perform half-time to the opposing side.
Article XVIII - Competition
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(A.) A competition budget shall by approved by all Directors.
(B.) Only towns participating in the JYFL Cheerleading and Pom Competition will have a job. These jobs will be drawn
by lottery. A town will not have the same job as the prior year. Cheer Directors must supervise their own town's job.
The Competition Committee will give guidelines for each competition job.
(C.) Franchise Directors will submit competition recommendations to the JYFL Cheer Directors by the March Cheer
Directors meeting for approval.
(D.) All Franchise Directors will need to have on file birth certificates of participating squads.
(E.) Competition commitments and payments must be received by the JYFL Cheer Commissioner by September 15 th of
each year. A .00 late fee will be assessed to towns not paying by September 15 th.
(F.) All decisions of the judges are final. Any disagreement with scoring or other problems and questions must be directed to
the Franchise Cheer Director. Contact with the judges is not permitted.
(G.) Competition squad's size not to be less than 10 and no more than 22.
(H.) All flag squads shall perform as exhibition only.
(I.) All squads participating at competition must be rostered as a cheerleading squad to a football team and must cheer at both
home and away games at that level for all schedule JYFL football games. They may only perform pom routines at
home games.
(J.) Competition Rules will be reviewed and voted on at the March Directors Meeting with a second vote at the April
Article XVIIII - Safety
(A.) The JAX Youth Cheerleading and Poms have adopted all National Federation of State High School Associations
1997-98 spirit rules to govern the safety of the JYFL Cheerleading and Pom Franchises.
Exceptions to NFSHS Spirit Rule 2:
• Section 5, Article 1 - Single Base Cradle Dismounts are not permitted.
• Section 8, Article 1 - Pendulums are not permitted.
• Section 10, Article 3 - Splits
• Section 12, Article 3 - Log Rolls are not permitted.
(B.) No artificial fingernails. Length of natural nails are to be not further than the fingertip.
(C.) The use of spotters when engaging in partner Stunts is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED. Spotters will be required for
shoulder stands and full extensions.
(D.) Basket Tosses are not permitted.
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(E.) No jewelry will be allowed at any time during practices, games or competitions. If a child has newly pierced body parts,
that child must tape that body party with athletic tape for games and practices, but will not be allowed to wear them at
competition. A medical alert necklace or bracelet may be worn if taped down.
(F.) No stunts shall be higher than two bodes.
(G.) No collapsible stunts are permitted.